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On Characteristics of Scarlett’s Role from Transformation of Her Values



Gone with the Wind is the only novel of Margaret Mitchell, a popular American female writer. The novel is set in the social background of the Civil War and the Reconstruction era. It depicts Scarlett’s unique characteristics by describing her life experience and love story. The Thesis mainly focuses on Scarlett’s characteristics on the basis of the transformation of her value. Scarlett’s value pasts three stages:“love center”—“ money talks”—“family center”, with the transformation of her value, Scarlett’s characteristics change unceasingly: Before the Civil War, she is a pure girl who seeks for love. When the Civil War breaks, she faces difficulties and pressure and becomes a crazy businesswoman for money. At the end of the Civil War, she turns her center of gravity to the family and becomes a wife in real meaning who cares about her husband and children.

Key Words:Gone with the Wind;Scarlett; value transformation;characteristics

摘  要

《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特•米切尔1生唯1出版的1部长篇小说。小说以109世纪610年代美国的南北战争和战后重建时期为背景。通过描述斯佳丽的生命历程和爱情生活,精心地刻画了她独特的性格特征。本文在以斯佳丽的价值观转换为切入点分析其角色特征。斯佳丽的价值观经历了“爱情中心”—— “金钱至上”——“家庭中心”的3个阶段,而伴随着价值观的'转变,她的角色也在不断地变化。战前,她是1个涉世未深,追求爱情的少女,战争爆发后,在生活的压力和困难面前,她变成了1个不顾1切追求金钱的生意人。最后当战争结束时 她才明白生活的真谛和人生的意义,于是把重心转向了家庭,成为了1个在乎丈夫和孩子的真正意义上的妻子。

