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The Writing Techniques of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest



   The Importance of Being Earnest is the representative play of Oscar Wilde, the great English writer and the leading figure of aestheticism in the 19th        century. As a rhetorician, Wilde sticks to finding a still fresher way of expressing, which contributes very much to his accomplishment in writing. This can be best exemplified in the plot design of Earnest. Wildean language is lofty, graceful, formal, rhetorically polished and sometimes full of humorous and satiric expressions. His symbolism is efficient, impressive and outstanding. The use of “paradox” and “parody” is Wilde’s favorite, by which he subverts the dominant traditional binary oppositions. Earnest poignantly and devastatingly satirizes all sorts of hypocrisies in religion, love, marriage, education, politics, etc. Indeed, many aspects prove to be applicable approaches in interpreting the writing techniques of The Importance of Being Earnest.

Key Words: Oscar Wilde; drama; The Importance of Being Earnest; writing techniques

摘  要

《认真的重要性》是109世纪英国唯美主义最杰出的代表人物奥斯卡•王尔德的喜剧代表作,也是世界戏剧宝库中的1颗明珠。该剧新颖出奇的情节设计﹑卓尔不群的`讽刺效果﹑别具1格的象征手法以及复杂深邃的思想内涵都可以在作家的“永远朝着更新”的修辞信条里找到解答。王尔德最喜爱的修辞方式是“似非而是”和 “仿拟”。他“似非而是”的悖论颠覆了人们所习以为常的2元对立思维惯性,如自然和艺术﹑真理和谎言﹑真诚和虚伪等等,因而向社会文化赖以存在的基础发动了攻击。该剧正是通过这1系列创作技巧,描绘了维多利亚时期政治﹑宗教﹑教育﹑婚姻等社会生活的方方面面,对存在其中的虚饰矫情以轻松幽默的方式给予了入木3分的揭露。对于《认真的重要性》的创作技巧来说,也许任何单1的阐释都会在其充满生机与活力的魅力面前显得片面和呆板。

