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The effects of Advance Organizers on Reading Comprehension

With the development of the schema theory, pedagogical researchers have realized that relevant background knowledge must be applied to the reading process in order to improve the reader’s reading quality. From this perspective, Ausubel first raised the concept of advance organizer in the early 1960’s. His followers developed the advance organizers. According to the different roles they play in eliciting relevant information, advance organizers serve two functions: the provider and the activator. This thesis concentrates on the study of the effects of advance organizers on reading comprehension. Based on the theory of advance organizers and the analysis of the former researcher’s experiments, this thesis holds the view that advance organizers, either the provider or the activator, do help readers reach a better understanding of the text. However, the activator’s effect is more pronounced than that of the provider by comparison. Some suggestions are offered for teachers and students so as to offer some help to extensive reading course.

Key Words: advance organizers; the provider; the activator; schema

摘  要
   随着图式理论的发展,语言教学者逐步认识到为了提高阅读质量,读者必须具备与阅读材料相关的背景知识,并将其运用到阅读过程之中。在这种思想的指导下,美国认知学家奥斯贝尔(Ausubel)先提出了阅读前导(advance organizers)这1概念,建议在阅读之前,以书面文字的形式向读者提供所需的背景知识。他本人用实验方法证实了阅读前导的有效性和可行性。后来的研究着在奥斯贝尔研究的基础上,根据阅读前导通常所起的两个主要作用,将其分为两大类:补缺前导(the provider)和激活前导(the activator)。本文通过分析研究前人所做的.实验,研究这两种阅读前导在中国学生阅读英语过程中所起的作用。研究表明,这两种前导都对受试学生的理解起明显作用;两者之中,激活前导的作用更为显著。基于这些研究结果,作者为英语阅读教学的老师和学生们提出了1些建议。




标签:阅读 前导