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内容摘要 证据开示是指控辩双方在庭审前或审判过程,依照一定的程序和方式,相互之间开示各自控制或掌握的诉讼证据和与之有关资料的一种制度。它在促进实体公正、程序公正以及诉讼效率上都有积极的作用。正因为如此,不管是大陆法系国家,还是英美法系国家的刑事诉讼中都建立有一种证据开示制度,且有从单方开示向双方开示、开示范围不断扩大等趋势。我国现行刑事诉讼法虽然也有一些类似证据开示制度的规定,但却很不完整,也很不科学,导致在实践中存在诸多问题。之所以出现这种情况,这与我国重实体轻程序,重打击犯罪轻人权保障的诉讼观念有关,也与我国诉讼模式有关。我国应当根据双向开示、不对等开示等原则,构建具有中国特色的证据开示制度。其中,要尤其注意开示时间、开示地点、开示范围以及开示纠纷的解决等方面的构建。关键词:刑事诉讼 证据开示 程序 构建

On the Construction of Evidence Discovery in Criminal Litigation
Evidence discovery is a system which means before putting on trial or during the judging the accuser and the defense according to regular procedures and mode, each other shows lawsuit proof or related material they own mastered. It has played a great part in substantive justice procedural justice and litigation efficiency. As a result, both English-American Legal System Country and Continental Legal System Country have already established Evidence discovery system in Criminal procedure. What’s more, it exists an enlarging tendency from unilateral discovery to both sides discovery. So do the discovery scope. Current Criminal procedure law in our country exist similar regulations on criminal litigation. However, it is neither completed nor scientific. Consequently, it has brought about a great many problems in practice. What causes this situation? I think it is not only related to our country paying much attention to substantiality and punishing crime instead of procedure and human rights but also related to our country’s litigation mode. Our country ought to construct evidence discovery system which have a characteristic our own base on both two-way discovery and unequal discovery principles. Above all we should take notice of constructing on discovery time, discovery address, discovery range and solving of discovery words: Criminal Litigation, Evidence Discovery,Procedure,Construct
前 言
我国在1996 年的刑事诉讼法中,引入了当事人主义诉讼模式的某些合理成分,改变了传统的由法官直接调查证据的方式,确定了控辩双方向法庭举证、质证,同时也不排除法官调查权的'一种特殊的审判方式。这种审判方式的顺利开展,需要相关制度的支撑。证据开示制度就是其中的一个重要制度。但是,1996年的刑事诉讼法不仅没有建立一种完全的证据开示制度,反而加大了律师阅卷难的问题。这和审判方式改革的方向是不相符合的。正因为如此,在我国建立一种证据开示制度目前已基本达成共识。但是如何在我国刑事诉讼中建立证据开示制度,却存在这样或那样的争议。证据开示不仅刑事证据法的规则之一,也是法律程序的一部分;它不仅是实现实体法的手段,而且也是程序公正的重要要求。在我国,虽已有初步的证据开示制度,但还没有建立起实质意义上的控辩双方双向证据开示制度。本文的目的在于通过阐述证据开示制度在刑事诉讼中的重要意义而试图为我国证据开示制度的构建提出一些建议性的措施。论文出处(作者):