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儿子乘海船赴京赶考去了。母亲昼耕夜织,等待儿子归来。但是,一直没有儿子的音讯。母亲着急了,就天天到海边眺望。一年,两年,三年... ...南飞的大雁秋天去了,春天又回了。母亲的头发都花白了,却不见儿子的身影。七年,八年,九年... ...夏天的烈日火辣辣,冬天的寒风呼呼吹,母亲的脸上布满了皱纹,可她每天望见的仍然是烟波浩淼的大海,来去匆匆的船帆。可怜的母亲,一次又一次地对着大海呼唤:“孩子呀,回来吧!娘想你,想你呀......”十年,二十年,三十年... ...年迈的母亲倒下了,化成了一尊石像,也没有盼到儿子归来。原来,他的儿子早在赴京赶考的途中,不幸翻船落海身亡了。上天被伟大的母爱感动了,在母亲伫立盼儿的地方,兀地矗立起一座高山;大地被伟大的母爱感动了,让母亲洒下的泪珠,化作了一股股地下温泉,滋润出无数红艳艳的苹果;乡亲们被伟大的母爱感动了,把那拔地而起的独秀峰叫做“望儿山”,在山顶建了慈母塔,在山下修了慈母馆,好让子孙后代缅怀母亲的平凡而伟大的恩情。



母亲节的传统起源于古希腊。在一月八日这一天,古希腊人向希腊众神之母瑞亚(英文:Rhea、Cybele,希腊文:宙斯、波塞冬、哈德斯、得墨忒耳、赫拉和赫斯提亚的母亲,故称众神之母)致敬。到古罗马时,这些活 动的规模就变得更大,庆祝盛况往往持续达三天之久。当然,古时人们对女神的崇拜只不过是一种迷信,它同今天人们对母性的尊敬是大不相同的。 在17世纪中叶,母亲节流传到英国,英国人把封斋期的第四个星期天作为母亲节。在这一天里,出门在外的年青人将回到家中,给他们的母亲带上一些小礼物。


现代意义上的母亲节起源于美国,由Amanm、Jarvis(1864-1948)发起,她终身未婚,一直陪伴在她母亲身边,在母亲于1905年世纪,Amanm 悲痛欲绝,两年后(1907年),Amanm 和她的朋友开始写信给有影响的部长、商人、议员来寻求支持,以便让母亲节成为一个法定的节日。Amanm 认为子女经常忽视了对母亲的感情,她希望母亲节能够让人多想一想母亲为家庭所付出的一切。

第一个母亲节于1908年5月10 日在西弗吉尼亚和宾夕法尼亚州举行,在这次节日里,康乃馨被选中为献给母亲的花,并以此流传下来。



After Mother's Day was founded , has also been supported by all peoples of the world . Anna Jarvis when alive , to establish a national Mother's Day has reached 43 . Today, to celebrate the festival of the country even more. Mother's

Day has become a truly international festival. By convention, the " International Mother's Day " was held at the scheduled May 11 each year .


In the chest wearing pink . Color is luxurious . Those who wear the mother had died of the white carnation , and her mother alive who is wearing a red carnation . On this day, people always want to find ways to make his mother happy to spend the holidays, thanks and compensation for their year of hard labor . The most common way is giving Mother's Day cards and gifts to mothers. Festival, every mother will joy mood, kids and husbands to accept a gift of roses or other flowers, candy, books and souvenirs, especially when they receive the above young children do it yourself with a childlike crayon to write the "Mom, I love you ," the words of the card , the more will feel especially proud and pleased. But the most precious, the most generous gift or to liberate them from their daily household chores out easily rest day. On this day, many families by husbands and kids to pack down all the housework , mothers do not have to cook, wash the dishes do not have to whipsaw , do not do the laundry . Many families still serve breakfast in bed, the mother of practice.


Mother's Day is a festival full of human warmth , this day, all the male members of the family should pack down all the housework , children who have to do something to make his mother happy person thing to filial piety . Even children in distant lands , but also a call to his mother congratulations. On this day, the American people have to wear a flower on his chest . Mother alive , wearing a colored flower , which means joy ; mother 's death , wearing a white , expression of grief .


Japanese Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May . Festival where people send her a red carnation, congratulations.


Mother's Day was first celebrated in France in 1928 , the festival scheduled in May of last Sunday. Festival this day, millions of moms , joyfully accepted their children their " happy holiday " best wishes .


Thailand announced on August 12 , 1976 for Mother 's Day . This day is also the birthday of Thai King Houli Ji . Festivals, country to carry out the " excellent mother" contest . Sons and daughters handheld aromatic fragrance of jasmine, dedicated to his mother.


Many countries in the Arab region Mothers Day in March 21 " Equinox" that day. Locals that " Equinox" is the beginning of spring , the beginning of the year , this represents a great mother . Portuguese Mother's Day in December 8 ; while Indonesia is scheduled on December 22 .


Mother's Day is a regional holiday in our country , this is the first festival in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. After the reform and opening up, Mother's Day is also acceptable to the mainland . Guangdong Province in 1988, Hangzhou and other cities in 1989, women's federations at all levels by the celebration of Mother's Day , and the selection of " good mother " as one of the elements of the festival.
