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双语:生活小动作 职场大用处


双语:生活小动作 职场大用处

 Try a Walking Meditation
  步行冥想  Get rid of nervous tension by inhaling as you take four steps, then exhaling for four steps. Repeat for at least three minutes (the longer, the better). Work up to six to eight steps per inhale and exhale。
Try a Sitting Meditation   
尝试静坐冥想  To recenter your mind and body, sit on the floor in a comfortable position with a straight back. Look at the second hand of a watch. Inhale for three seconds, then smoothly exhale for three more. Repeat for at least three minutes。

  Try a Full-Body Stretch
  试试做全身的伸展运动  Move 1: The Cat-Cow
  Sit straight in a chair and place both feet flat on the floor. Exhale as you round your spine forward into a cow pose (top). Then inhale as you arch your back into a cat pose (bottom). Repeat for five more breaths。
  Move 2: Side to Side
  Inhale and extend your arms straight up. Stretch to the right as you exhale. Inhale to come back to the center, then exhale to the left. Repeat for five more breaths。
  Move 3: Twist
  With arms bent by your side, exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Inhale back to the center and twist to the left. Repeat for five more breaths。