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关键词:商务英语 电子邮件 合作原则 礼貌原则
  电子信息技术的发展给国际商务往来带来了极大的便利,十几年前还十分普遍的电报、电传通讯方式已逐渐被表达明确、直接快捷的现代通信方式——电子邮件取而代之。作为现代商务交流重要的沟通形式,商务英语电子邮件正起着越来越重要的作用,已经成为国际商务沟通最基本的联络方式。据调查,在商务交往中约有90%的人利用电子邮件来联系业务(何光明,2006),人们经常需要与不认识的或不甚了解的人打交道,这就要求在传递信息的过程中要尽量避免出现错误和误解, 还要尽可能地缩短发件者和收件者处理这些信息的时间。然而,电子邮件的快速普及往往会让人忽视其应有的规范,在国际商务中,一封不规范的商务电子邮件,不仅会有损公司的形象,也可能会令人费解。若出现信息错误,轻则导致沟通失败,重则带来经济损失。因此,需要建立一种国际间普遍认可的交流原则,让来自于不同文化背景、使用不同母语的人能顺利地进行交流。
  礼貌和合作原则是现代语言学中重要的会话理论,它不仅充分体现在会话中, 在书面语篇中也被广泛实施(秦晓杰,2001)。由于电子邮件的往来与面对面的会话交流同样具有真实地、有目的的表情达意的功能,因此,指导会话交流的合作与礼貌原则对这种基于商务电子邮件的书面交际同样适用,在国际商务活动中,如果英语电子邮件的写作者不了解必要的.合作与礼貌策略以及相应的语言表征方式,会有引起语用失误,进而破坏双方友好合作关系的危险。
  美国哲学家Grice(1975)认为在日常交际中人们总是在遵守着一套相互合作的基本原则, 旨在有效地使用语言以达到交际目的。他在20世纪70年代提出了会话的合作原则(Cooperation Principle),其中包括了数量准则、质量准则、方式准则和相关准则等四条基本准则。合作原则要求所提供的信息数量适中、真实可靠、清楚简洁、紧扣主题。遵守了这些准则,交流者就能以最直接的方式和最合适的语言进行交际,达到最佳交际效果。就商务电子邮件而言,由于收信的一方在读信时,寄信的一方不在场,无法像在打电话或面谈时根据对方的反应做出及时的调整,因此,电子邮件往来中双方如何表现出“合作”的诚意,要比在电话交谈或当面会谈中双方如何彼此表示友好更加重要。如:
  例1:Thank you for your letter of 12th, July sending us patterns of cotton prints. We find both quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to give you an order for the following items on the understanding that they will be supplied from current stock at the prices named:
  QuantityPattern No. Price(net)
  300 yards 7233p per yard
  450 yards 8238p per yard
  300 yards 84 44p per yard
  We expect to find a good market for these cottons and hope to place further and larger orders with you in the near future。
  Our usual terms of payment are cash against documents and we hope they will be acceptable to you. Meanwhile should you wish to make inquiries concerning our financial standing, you may refer to our bank。
  The National Bank of Nigeria, Lagos
  Please send us your confirmation of sales in duplicate。
  例2: We are pleased to receive your order of 18th,July for cotton prints and welcome you as one of our customers. For goods ordered we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight upon presentation of shipping documents. Please let us know immediately whether you agree to our terms. As soon as we receive your reply in the affirmative, we shall confirm supply of the prints at the price stated in your letter and arrange for dispatch by the first available steamer upon receipt of your L/C。