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This essay puts forward the proposition that the aesthetic requirement is the eternal pursuit in poetry translation, and argues that if the translator wants to transmit the artistic conception of the original poetry, the translation should be based on the aesthetic requirement. In the translation process, the translator should adopt three standards, that is, accuracy, redundancy and acceptability to bring about the effect of the information. The faithfulness in poetry translation lies in the transference of artistic conception, emotion and style, among which artistic conception should be the starting point. The translator has to follow the information aesthetic principle, and the translation should be accurate in information and rich in beauty. Then he can translate poem in poem and achieve the beauty in form, beauty in sound and beauty in artistic conception. In the analysis of the two English versions of Zang Huayin, which are translated by Yang Hsien-Yi and David Hawkes respectively, the author employs not only the aesthetic requirement, but also the   relevant point in linguistic, and points out that the translator should follow the Relative Principle, Quantity Principle, etc. Furthermore, the translator should follow that what can be translated is not necessary to translate, and what needs translation doesnt have to be translated directly.

Key words: Zang Huayin;poetry translation;
aesthetic requirement;comparative study



    本文首先提出美是诗歌翻译的永恒追求,认为汉诗英译要传达原诗的意境,应坚持美学原理。此理论认为,在具体的翻译过程中, 译者应采用3条标准来把握信息传达效果:准确度、冗余度和可接受性。准确度是指译者对原信息的理解程度,以及转换时善于处理种种因素而使原信息不失真的程度。冗余度是指译者在确保原信息不失真时调节两种代码而求得“动态对等”的程度。可接受性是指译语民族对经过转换后的信息内容的接受程度。文章以两个译本——杨宪益、戴乃迭所翻译的`A Dream of Red Mansions和戴维•霍克斯所翻译的The Story of the Stone为蓝本,运用信息美论、质量原则、合作原则等相关理论深入分析《葬花吟》两种英译,从而提出翻译应遵循信息美学原则,既要作到信息准确,又要富于美感。只有这样才能作到以诗译诗并符合音美、形美、意美。再者,从诗歌的翻译方法上讲,能够翻译的不1定非要翻译,需要翻译的不1定非要直接译出。


标签:英译 葬花