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“你觉得自己有什么缺点?”当面试官丢出这个问题时你有没有心跳加速?怎样答才显得既真诚又不会不够职业,让他边皱眉头边心中“say no”?


面试官往往用这个提问来衡量申请人是否有自知之明或者开诚布公的勇气,外企面试中HR则往往更加注重这个问题的“后续问题”,也就是 “如何避免因自己的缺点而影响工作质量?”



I am not a great public speaker. When speaking in public I feel uncomfortable unless the topic is familiar. So I have to be well prepared before giving a presentation. As a matter of fact, I did lots of preparations for our interview today!

点评1:“不善于在公开场合发表演讲”, 这的确是很多人的通病。不过, 现在越来越多的申请人“喜欢”上了这个回答, 造成了HR的审美疲劳, 呜呼!建议大家在这个答案上适当包装, 这个申请人做得就很好, 他打趣说自己来面试前都做了充分的准备, 无疑会博得面试官展颜一笑。


As a manager my weakness is being soft-hearted. Though being soft-hearted can be seen as a strength sometimes, it is also a major weakness for a manager does need to take tough measures, including decisions to fire. Compared with other team leaders I am too soft. As a result, my employees seem to be less disciplined, for example, late for a meeting. The good thing is that being soft also has its advantages: my employees never hesitate to communicate with me, which greatly improves work efficiency.



Well, maybe my weakness sounds a little bit strange to you. I think my weakness is that I talk too much. I like to express my opinions. My classmates say I am bossy and like to show off. I’ve also noticed that I don’t listen enough because I am talking too much. So I write down a reminder on my notebook, “Listen more, speak less.” But interestingly enough, even when I feel I am speaking little my co-workers still pat my shoulder and say, “Susan, you are an active person!” The “talker” impression doesn’t go away easily.

点评3:“说话太多, 甚至有点爱出风头”,其实是一个比较可爱的缺点。雇主会喜欢乐于表达自己观点的求职者,尤其是在鼓励发表观点、氛围轻松的外企,至少HR会觉得,比招聘一个闷嘴葫芦要强上百倍!


I am pride of myself on being a“big picture” guy, but I have to admit I am not careful enough. Sometimes I make stupid date and number errors, like typing 2006 when it’s 2007! Once I forgot to final-check the microphone when I was in charge of the Welcome Party and it caused great panic when was found to be silent only half an hour before the show began. So I do love to hang out with the “detail” people. They can depend on me to make plans, and I can depend on them to remind me of the small details. When I can’t depend on others, I always depend on my notebook. I like to write things down in my notebook now, which is the best way to remember every important detail.

点评4:“能看到事情的大框架, 有全局观而忽视细节”, 确实有很多这样的人。这个回答的亮点不在于此, 而在于他对自己缺点的'弥补手段, 一方面他乐于和注重细节的人合作, 另一方面他选择使用好记性不如烂笔头的方法强迫自己注重细节。


I do things in haste sometimes. I am eager to finish a task once I start doing it. It looks like a strength but it can be a big weakness at work. Haste makes waste. Great haste makes great waste. For example, when I started working for my current boss last year I once made a ridiculous mistake in an urgent report. I typed “shit out” instead of “try to” because the two phrases have exactly the same spelling in Chinese. So now I often remind myself: Do it right, Don’t do it over.



I set unrealistic goals sometimes. For example, losing 10 kilograms in a month, or finishing typing a form in an hour. The truth is that I know they are hard to achieve even when I am setting them, but I can’t resist doing so because I need to be motivated by aiming high. But my boss sometimes criticizes me for being unrealistic when making plans.

点评6:“制定不切实际的目标”似乎是个缺点, 不过听起来有些aggressive的味道,往往只有上进心强的人才会有这种缺点吧!


Well, frankly speaking, I think I still need to be more professional. Sometimes I let my emotions affect my work. Last winter I lost a client because I didn’t look very enthusiastic when answering his inquiries. He went to another teller the next day when he opened an account in our bank. And he bought a ten thousand Yuan Lideying(an investment fund) immediately. This was a big lesson for me because it made me realize that I should learn to be at my best for any client, at any time. You know, I always look like an angel, no matter how difficult it is, because it will indeed help me to sell more products. You’ll never know when the customers decide to buy, hehe.

点评7:告诉面试官自己的职业化程度还不够高是非常危险的做法,但是,这个申请人以最真诚的态度给出了一个很打动人的回答, 使自己在一群对自己的缺点欲说还羞的申请人中脱颖而出。可是如果求职者已经不是应届毕业生,建议这个答案慎用!


I am too sensitive and spend too much time worrying about what others think about me. For example, I hesitate to speak out when I disagree with someone in fear of making him uncomfortable. So I have missed some chances to share my views and prove my abilities. I wish I could be more objective and more straightforward when dealing with people.

点评8:“敏感,过分关注别人对自己的看法”,这的确是个不讨人喜欢的缺点。不过, 对于一些容易脸红说话柔声细语的小姑娘, 这倒不失为一个好答案。如果你刚好是一个大老爷们或者阳刚小伙, 这个答案则会迅速让人感觉怪异。


My weakness? I need pressure to work harder. This is my weak point. I tend to perform better when somebody is pushing me, or gives me a high goal. I really wish to work with a very demanding boss so he can give me the pressure I need.

点评9:“需要压力才能更努力”,这是大家的通病!这个回答的点睛之处在于, 该申请人盼望着能遇上一个高标准严要求的老板, 从而督促自己更加努力地工作, 这是一个多么可爱的令用人单位求之不得的“受虐狂型”的应届毕业生啊!


I am likely to be influenced by the environment. I study hard when I find everybody else studying hard, and I start looking for a part-time job when I find others talking about how important it is! It would be great if I could join Ericsson, as I can be influenced by the high quality people here!


求职辅导专家Carrie李群认为, HR总能从你的答案中解读出你的能力和动机,所以求职需要技巧。建议大家还是在面试前做好research,只有这样才能够坦然淡定、表现自信。当你每个回答都体现自己对行业与职业的热情,使HR认为你与招聘要求足够匹配、一切无伤大雅之时,他会忽略你的种种“缺点”,心中暗爽:要找的就是你!

标签:外企 面试 回答